Why, What & how?

The Why

To be truthful by doing what I do I have the feeling of actively shaping the world. And that idea even if it is a bit naive, it is priceless.

As well I consider Software Development to be similar to chess and philosophy, it is a never ending journey of learning and improving. Call me romantic but I find it to be similar to life.

The What

So far during this journey I have implemented a variety of features such as:

CRUDSearchCheckoutsSEOAuthenticationAccessibility WCAG

And actively participated in:

Setting up projectsDefining architectureCode ReviewsPlanningsPair ProgrammingImproving UI/UX/DXDocumentations

The How

Time has passed and with it my ways. Today I control that rush of excitement before starting coding and instead I begin by communicating with others and with myself.

I feel a certain joy about writing things down before starting a task.

  • Pay attention to details
  • Clarify requirements
  • Identify dependencies
  • Identify edge cases
  • Decompose in smaller tasks

Once I put my hands to work I consider a personal challenge to end up with a good and performant solution.

  • DX (Developer Experience) - Clean code
  • UX (User Experience)
  • UI (User Interface)

And if the team strategy considers as a good investment of time to make the code bullet proof then:

  • Unit testing
  • E2E testing